July 11, 2024

Water Rates Increase

This meeting addressed a proposed water rate increase from the local water company. Residents received notification packets in the mail regarding the increase.

The focus of the discussion was on organizing a protest against the proposed rate hike. To force a hearing on the matter, a minimum of 800 residents need to register their protest.

Here are the key takeaways for residents:

Here is a little more context on the rate increase:

Texas Water Utilities, L.P. (TWU) filed an application to increase water and wastewater rates on June 24, 2024. The application requests new rates to be effective on July 29, 2024.

TWU’s stated reason for filing this application is to recover costs from investments the company has made to improve its systems’ infrastructure. The company states that this application is necessary because of the cost of providing services, economic trends, and government mandates like the requirements outlined in Senate Bill 3. TWU committed to filing this rate case as part of a settlement in a prior rate case. The previous rate case concluded on February 23, 2022, and required the company to file a general rate case between February 23, 2023 and February 22, 2025.

Ratepayers can oppose this filing by taking the following actions:

CDC Formation

This meeting also focused on the benefits of establishing a Community Development Corporation (CDC) for the community.

The discussion highlighted the advantages a CDC would offer in negotiations with the water company, similar to what Tesla was able to achieve.

Here are the key takeaways:

If you have any questions about the CDC formation process or the upcoming vote on board members, please reach out to the meeting organizers.