Aug 1, 2024

Meeting Summary

Road Updates

Richard has been assigned to follow up on the status of various road works. Specifically, he will inquire about the development updates on Tesla Road (Harold Green) and investigate the reasons behind the delays in road striping on Austin Colony Blvd.

Far East Austin Community Development Corporation (CDC)

The meeting emphasized the purpose and goals of the Far East Austin Community Development Corporation. There was a focus on establishing a Nonprofit 501C, which requires completing paperwork and appointing official board members. The goals include acquiring land from Tesla, which is mandated to engage with the community annually, obtaining grant money or raising funds for development, and promoting recreational facilities, hardware stores, and other economic development initiatives.

Board Officers Election

The election for board officers was held, with the following results:

A total of 16 people attended the meeting, and the officers were elected by acclamation.

Water Rate Increase Protest

The protest against the water rate increase has garnered just over 800 participants, with the deadline to file a protest or intervene extended to August 21st. The community is seeking a study from the University of Texas and/or PODER( to analyze the costs associated with various water, environmental, and traffic issues due to recent developments or inadequate infrastructure improvements. A meeting is scheduled for August 7th from 10 AM to 12 PM at the community center, where Tyler and Jonathan have volunteered to represent the community.

There was a discussion on securing legal representation for various HOAs to utilize their legal defense funds.

Updates from Attorneys Paul and Lynette

The rate increase case is still with the Public Utility Commission( and has not yet reached the State Office of Administrative Hearings, meaning there is still time to protest. It was proposed that an official, collective letter of protest should be drafted before August 21st, outlining the group's opposition to the rate increase and the reasons behind it.